Role Models is no longer trading

We'd like to thank our customers, our schools, our supporters, our team and our incredible role models for all the work they've done over the last 10 years. We end this journey thankful for the time spent helping thousands children build their confidence, develop meaningful friendships and try new things.

Equip your students with the toolkit for life

Partner with us

Teaching life skills

What we do

We have built a curriculum that teaches children from age 5-13 essential life skills. Our evidence backed approach teaches children emotional awareness, self-regulation, how to handle challenges.

How we do it

  • In person holiday courses

  • After school clubs

  • Online workshops

  • Staff CPD

  • Parent talks

Why we do it

1 in 5 children and young people have a probable mental heath condition

50% of those with life time mental health problems experience symptoms by the age of 14

Our roadmap for change focuses on prevention rather than cure. We want children to enter adult life with the tools they need to thrive.

Why choose us

No cost to you

We generally pass any charges onto the customers booking the courses. The only thing we ask of the school is to provide the space to host the course.

Marketing and administrative support

Wether you are hosting a private or public course we are here to provide you with any marketing material required and will manage the admin.

Flexible approach

We are happy to tailor our offering to fit the needs of your school. This is a great way to offer something unique to your community

Our curriculum in action
See how we worked with Wellington College

Want to equip your pupils with a toolkit for life?

No obligation - Get in touch