Role Models is no longer trading

We'd like to thank our customers, our schools, our supporters, our team and our incredible role models for all the work they've done over the last 10 years. We end this journey thankful for the time spent helping thousands children build their confidence, develop meaningful friendships and try new things.

Solutions to Bullying

Navigating the complexities of growing up is something that we need to support our children with. Teaching them how to be resilient, how to communicate their feelings and how to respect their own boundaries are topics that we are passionate about at Role Models. It is fundamental that we give children the skills necessary to cope with challenging situations.

Encourage an open and communicative relationship with your child

The first and most important step is to ensure that your child is aware that they can talk to you about these issues and that they are comfortable doing so. According to Childline, you should be available for your child to talk to about their worries and make sure they know where they can go to for support. You can start by dedicating time each day/week, to checking in with them and talking about their school life, friends and issues that are important to them. Make sure it is clear that this time is dedicated to them and is free from any distractions. If your child is reluctant/uncomfortable opening up, it may be easier to chat whilst playing Lego, going for a walk or doing a calming activity that your child enjoys. Model sharing your own thoughts and reflections with your child. Tell them about your day and how you feel etc.

Pay attention to warning signs

It is important not to assume that your child will feel comfortable talking to you about being bullied. There may be a tremendous amount of shame surrounding what they are experiencing. Try to pay attention to signs such as loss of appetite, avoiding social situations, loss of personal items, unexplained injuries and general changes in behaviour and attitude.

Get the school involved  

According to a government paper on preventing and tackling bullying, every school must have measures in place to prevent all forms of bullying. It is important that you communicate with the school and provide them with as much detail as possible. Remember, you are your child’s advocate and if you do not feel as though they are responding appropriately, be sure to press them on the issue and ensure you understand the ways in which they will support your child. According to Prevent, ‘reporting bullying is an effective way to stop the violence’.

Remain calm

This is very challenging as it can be incredibly painful to know that your child is being bullied. It is essential that your child doesn’t feel responsible for your emotions and can talk freely to you without worrying that they are overwhelming you. You also want to understand as much as possible from your child what is happening for them. It is therefore important that you create a calm and safe space for them to open up to you.

Seek the help of a professional

Being bullied can be a traumatising experience for a child. If your child is experiencing any mental health concerns, it is important that you seek professional help to support them. The first port of call can be your GP, who can signpost you to the relevant support. Providing children with emotional support and coping skills is fundamental to ensuring their mental health and wellbeing.

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