Our recruitment process

Recruitment Process and required qualifications and experience:

To apply to be come a Role Model, an applicant must fill out an application form which includes

  • 150 words on why they’d make a good Role Model
  • A 2 min video saying three things about themselves
  • Their CV. They must have had experience working with groups of children.
  • Application questions related to behaviour management strategies and lesson planning

If they are successful, they will attend an interview with our Character Education Team.

  • During the interview, applicants are asked a range of competency based questions and must demo a lesson plan
  • To pass, the Education Team need to be confident in their ability to work with large groups of children with varying needs and also their ability to creative problem solve and manage lots of operational tasks. This is usually established by offering example scenarios and seeing how the interviewee responds.
  • We also request to see their ID and DBS live in interview

If they pass this, only then we begin to onboard them.

Onboarding involves obtaining an enhanced DBS through ‘Accurate’ (if they do not already have one from the last 3 years). We also then ask for two references. One must be a professional reference. Role Models cannot work with us until both of these steps have been completed and the DBS is clean.


Once assigned to a course Role Models undertake training.

  • They are trained in logistics by the operations team (i.e. the venue facilities, support staff on site, how to monitor attendance etc). This includes a run through of venue specific fire safety information and risk assessments
  • They are given comprehensive safeguarding training, both for in-person and online work. They are trained in the different areas of abuse, signs to look out for, good practice, what to do when abuse is disclosed, along with all aspects of e-safety: Safeguarding Training.
  • They are also taken through our behaviour management policy, health & safety policy and first aid policy. They are then required to read follow up materials in their own time, which they need to sign to signify they have read and understood our policies
  • They are then trained in the content by the Education Team, who have designed the course. This training takes places online, over the course of up to 3 hours. They are given an incredibly comprehensive printed overview of the schedule of each day which they are asked to read through before this training, in order to ask any questions. Again, we are then constantly on hand to support with any questions throughout the week.
  • We also offer Role Models the opportunity to undertake paediatric first aid, allergy awareness and food hygiene training as required. In our Ofsted registered venues, Role Models must also complete their level 2 childcare qualification
  • Outside of the courses, there is an ongoing reflective process in place where the Education Team constantly review the work of our Role Models and relay any internal or external (i.e. from parents) feedback.


  • We partner with local 6th forms and colleges to offer a volunteering opportunity on all our courses.
  • Volunteers must submit and application to work with us, they are then interviewed to ensure they are reliable and responsible candidates.
  • If successful, we will then obtain an enhanced DBS for all volunteers.
  • We provide training as to how to represent us, what tasks may be involved, and safeguarding training. Volunteers also then receive a briefing on day 1 of a course by the project director.