Role Models Behaviour Management Policy

Role Models use effective behaviour management strategies to promote the welfare and enjoyment of children attending any course or workshop. Working in partnership with parents, we aim to encourage socially acceptable behaviour using clear, consistent and positive strategies. Each workshop and course begins with Role Models staff creating a shared ‘Agreement’ with the children to establish a shared expectation for behaviour (see Agreement guidance). This agreement is referred to throughout the workshop or course and children are reminded about the agreement.

In the Role Models Head Office, the Education Team are responsible for behaviour management.

Whilst at a Role Models workshop or course we expect both children and adults to:

  • Use socially acceptable behaviour
  • Comply with Role Models policies and procedures
  • Respect one another, accepting differences of race, gender, ability, age and religion
  • Participate willingly in the activities
  • Interact positively with others
  • Enjoy themselves and have fun!

Role Models will promote and actively encourage positive behaviour by leading by example and by respecting each other and the children. Clear boundaries are established and children are made aware of routines and know what is expected of them. One child’s behaviour must not be allowed to endanger the other children in the group by absorbing or distracting the supervising staff. Parents are expected to provide suitable detail in terms of behavioural traits and needs when registering their child for a course and workshop.

There may be times when children require support and guidance to understand that their behaviour is not acceptable. Role Models staff will always try to determine the cause or triggers of the inappropriate behaviour to prevent the situation from recurring. No undue stress shall be placed on the child in terms of humiliation, use of overly negative language or withdrawal of food or drink.

Positive behaviour will be encouraged through the following strategies and guidance for staff:

  • Staff acting as positive role models
  • Praising appropriate behaviour
  • Being fair and consistent
  • Points system to reward individual and team effort and approach (for showing skills, effort, resilience, working together etc.)
  • Informing parents about individual achievements
  • Individual prizes where appropriate
  • Certificates at end of workshop/course
  • Offering a variety of active and ‘hands on’ activities to meet the learning needs of the children
  • Learning names quickly
  • Following through with consequences and using the system below consistently
  • Being clear and direct with language
  • Beginning the course/workshop being firm – you can always get ‘nicer’ but hard to get firmer once the tone has already been set

Strategies and system for dealing with inappropriate behaviour:

  • Keeping students with more challenging behaviour in close proximity to the Role Model.
  • Use a range of non-verbal cues (a hand on the shoulder, eye contact, signalling a child to move).
  • Tactical ignoring – sometimes ignoring unwanted behaviour and not giving it attention can be effective.
  • Challenging behaviour will be addressed in a calm, firm and positive manner.
  • Role Models will discuss why the behaviour displayed is deemed inappropriate.
  • Role Models will encourage and facilitate mediation between children to try to resolve conflicts through discussion and negotiation.
  • In the case of inappropriate behaviour, the Role Models should highlight this behaviour to the child, explain why it is inappropriate and bring them back to the Agreement.
  • If the behaviour persists, the Role Model should give the child a verbal warning.
  • If the behaviour still persists, the Role Model should then write the child’s name on the whiteboard to officially ‘record’ the warning.
  • Every effort should be made to catch the child displaying more appropriate behaviour in order to then wipe the name off the board.
  • If the behaviour persists after writing their name down, the Course Lead should then take the child outside of the classroom to have a discussion about their behaviour. This should involve reminding them of the Agreement, asking them to reflect on how their behaviour is impacting their own progress and that of the group, and asking them what they think needs to happen now.
  • If a child gets to this stage, feedback should be given to the parent/carer and the Role Models team.

If a child’s behaviour consistently affects the delivery of the workshop or course, the safety of the other pupils and the ability for said child to access the content effectively, Role Models will discuss this with the parent. It may be deemed that the child’s behavioural needs cannot be met effectively and therefore the workshop or course is not right for them to attend. If at any time a child’s behaviour is extremely anti-social or aggressive then they may need to leave the course or workshop immediately. Abuse, both verbal and/or physical, against a member of Role Models staff or another child will not be tolerated and may lead to immediate removal. Bullying of any form will not be tolerated in any workshop or course.

Physical intervention

Physical intervention will only be used as a last resort, if Role Models staff believe that action is necessary to prevent injury to the child or others, or to prevent significant damage to equipment or property. The use of any physical intervention must also take account of the characteristics of the child including their age, gender, special educational needs, physical needs or disability, developmental level or cultural issues. If a Role Models member of staff has to physically restrain a child, the Role Models Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) will be notified and an Incident record will be completed. The incident will be discussed with the parent or guardian as soon as possible. If Role Models staff are not confident about their ability to contain a situation, they should call Role Models DSL or, in extreme cases, the police.

Incident sheets will be used to record any serious behaviour incident or any incident where handling or physical intervention is needed. Details from these sheets will be stored in Podio, our CRM system.

Role Models will make sure that staff receive training in respect of basic behavioural management, including strategies, the content of this policy and how to ensure the safety of the children in their care.

Setting an Agreement – Guidance for Role Models

During any Role Models course or workshop it is important to set up an ‘Agreement’ between the Role Models and children involved. This helps set the expectations for the course/workshop and gives you something to refer back to throughout.

Using a sheet of A3 paper discuss the following questions with the children and record their ideas. This could be done verbally if time is an issue, the Role Model could scribe the ideas given by the children, or you could use post it notes for the children to write their thoughts on and stick these on the sheet of paper.

  • What would we (children and Role Models) like this course/workshop to be like?

Hopefully they will come up with ideas including:

We want the course to be… fun, informative, active, not boring, helpful, new learning, memorable, inspiring…. etc.

  • What do we (children and Role Models) need to be or show for the workshop/course to be successful?

Hopefully they will come up with ideas including:

We need to… listen to each other, be respectful, participate, challenge ourselves, follow instructions, ask if we don’t understand, offer ideas, support each other, encourage others, don’t make fun of others, give each other a chance to be involved, focus and concentrate, have fun!

Record all of the ideas on the A3 piece of paper and agree that all Role Models and children will work together to try and achieve these things. The children and Role Models can all ‘sign’ this piece of paper if appropriate. Display this Agreement throughout the week/course and refer back to it to reinforce the expectations. This Agreement can be added to where necessary as new ideas come up throughout the week or course.

Bullying & Pastoral Concerns

We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all the children in our care so that they can social and learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying behaviour of any kind is unacceptable on our courses. If bullying does occur, all children should feel able to report this and know that any incident will be dealt with promptly and effectively.

Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim (physically or emotionally)

Bullying can be:

  • Emotional – being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (e.g. hiding possessions or threatening gestures)
  • Physical – pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence, racial taunts, graffiti or Racist – racial taunts or gestures.
  • Sexual – unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments.
  • Homophobic – because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality.
  • Verbal – name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing.
  • Cyber – all areas of internet, such as emails & internet chat rooms misuse. Mobile phone text messaging & calls. Misuse of camera phones & video facilities.

All Role Models, children and parents should have an understanding of what bullying is.

  • All Role Models involved in the care of children should know what the policy is on bullying and follow it when bullying concerns are reported.
  • Role Models takes bullying seriously. Children and parents should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.
  • Bullying will not be tolerated.

A child may indicate by signs or behaviour that he or she is being bullied. Adults should be aware of these possible signs and that they should investigate if a child:

  • is frightened of walking to or from the course
  • changes their usual routine
  • does not want to come to the course
  • attendance becomes erratic
  • becomes withdrawn, anxious or lacking in confidence
  • starts stammering
  • attempts or threatens to self-harm or run away
  • cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares
  • feels ill in the morning
  • begins to withdraw
  • comes to the course with torn clothes or damaged possession
  • has possessions which are damaged or go ‘missing’
  • has dinner or other monies continually ‘lost’
  • has unexplained cuts or bruises
  • is bullying other children or siblings
  • stops eating
  • is frightened to say what is wrong
  • gives improbable excuses for any of the above

These signs and behaviours could indicate other problems, but bullying should be considered a possibility and should be investigated.


  1. Any bullying incidents or concerns should be reported to the Role Model who should record in the incident log.
  2. As and when appropriate, the incidents will be discussed with the Role Models team and investigated
  3. Where deemed appropriate, parents should be informed and will be asked to come in to a meeting to discuss the problem.
  4. If necessary and appropriate, police will be consulted.
  5. The bullying behaviour or bullying threats must be investigated and be stopped quickly.
  6. Every attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change their behaviour and to also make sure the victim is safe.


  1. The bully or bullies may be asked to apologise. Other consequences may take place as appropriate.
  2. In serious cases, suspension or even exclusion will be considered.
  3. If possible, the children will be reconciled.
  4. After the incident / incidents have been investigated and dealt with, each case will be monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not take place.


  • Establishing a behaviour agreement at the start of the course
  • Encouraging values such as respect
  • Model fair and respectful behaviour and leadership.
  • Challenge all forms of prejudice and promote equality.
  • Help children and young people to develop positive relationships and choose not to bully or discriminate.

We are committed to reviewing our policy and procedures annually. This policy was last reviewed in January 2024.