Role Models E-safety Agreement


The use of the latest technology is actively encouraged at Role Models. With this comes a responsibility to protect users from abuse of the system. This document has been developed to ensure that all staff within our company are aware of their professional responsibilities when using ICT equipment and systems. All staff should follow the guidelines at all times. You are responsible for your behaviour and actions when carrying out any activity, which involves using ICT equipment and information systems, either within the office, or at other locations, such as home. The following guidelines are general in nature as not every possible scenario can be thoroughly described or known at this point in time.

When using the Company’s ICT equipment, I have understood and will comply with the following statements:

  1. I will obtain the appropriate log on details and passwords from the e-Safety Co-ordinator.
  2. I will seek consent from the e-Safety Co-ordinator prior to the use of any new technologies (hardware, software, cloud-based services) within course related and work use.
  3. I will not allow unauthorised individuals to access the company’s ICT systems or resources
  4. I will only use the company’s digital technology resources and systems for professional purposes or for uses deemed ‘reasonable’ by the management
  5. I will not search for, download, upload or forward any content that is illegal or that could be considered an offence by another user. If I encounter any such material I will report it immediately to the e-Safety Co-ordinator.
  6. I will take a professional and proactive approach to assessing the effectiveness of the Internet content-filtering platform in relation to the educational content that can be viewed by the students in my care. I will not attempt to bypass any filtering and/or security systems put in place by the company. If I suspect a computer or system has been damaged or affected by a virus or other malware, I will report this to the e-Safety Co-ordinator.
  7. I understand my personal responsibilities in relation to data protection and privacy and disclosure of personal and sensitive confidential information.
  8. I will take reasonable precautions to ensure that any devices (laptops, tablets, cameras, removable media or phones) are turned off and stored in a secure manner
  9. I will secure any equipment taken off site for trips.
  10. I will ensure that I will not take off site and store on personal devices any personal or sensitive data, unless otherwise agreed by Management.
  11. I will not download or install any software from the Internet or from any other media, which may compromise the company’s network or information situated on it without prior authorisation from the e-Safety Co-ordinator.
  12. I understand that the use of computer systems without permission or for inappropriate purposes could constitute a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and breaches will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
  13. I understand that my files, communications and internet activity may be monitored and checked at all times to protect my own and others’ safety, and action may be taken if deemed necessary to safeguard me or others.
  14. If I am a contractor and using my own laptop, I am subject to the IT Department ensure the following is in place on my laptop:
  • Password protected laptop - at least 6 digits
  • Not saving Role Models files or passwords to computer
  • Anti-Virus Software in operation (25/year ish)
  • Licensed software (ie not dodgy microsoft installed etc. If they need full office suite then its £79/year)
  • Hard Drive encryption in operation
  • Latest security updates applied at OS level and application level

15. I understand that if I do not follow all statements in this e-Safety Agreement and in other company policies relating to the use of ICT equipment I may be subject to disciplinary action in line with company policy.

Social Media

The Internet provides a range of social media tools that allow us to interact with one another. We understand that everyone has the right to a private life and Role Models fully respects this provided we follow the guidelines set out in our policies. Role Models expects staff to maintain reasonable standards in their own behaviour, such that enables them to maintain an effective learning environment and also to uphold public trust and confidence in them and their profession. Staff should avoid any conduct which is likely to bring the company into disrepute.

I have understood and will comply with the following statements:

  1. I must not talk about my professional role in any capacity when using personal social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube or any other online publishing websites.
  2. I must not use social media tools to communicate with current or former students under the age of 18.
  3. I will not use any social media tools to communicate with parents unless approved in writing by the company.
  4. I will set and maintain my profile on social networking sites to maximum privacy and give access to known friends only.
  5. I must not access social networking sites for personal use during working hours.
  6. If I experience any derogatory or slanderous comments relating to the company, colleagues or my professional status, I will take screenshots for evidence and escalate to management.

Managing Digital Content

One has to be careful whenever images, video and sound are used in the courses we offer. In order to protect our students, we need to think about how we will share images, video and sound online, e.g. on the role Models website. To protect ourselves, we need to think about how we will take, use and store these digital resources.

I have understood and will comply with the following statements:

  1. I will demonstrate professional, safe and responsible behaviour when creating, using and storing digital images, video and sound within school.
  2. I will only use Role Models equipment to create digital images, video and sound. Digital images, video and sound will not be taken without the permission of participants; images and video will be of appropriate activities and participants will be in appropriate dress. No resources will be published online without the permission of the staff and pupils involved
  3. Under no circumstances will I use any personally owned equipment for video, sound or images without prior consent from the designated manager.
  4. I will ensure that any images, videos or sound clips of pupils are stored on school-owned pcs/devices and never transferred to personally owned equipment.
  5. I will ensure that any images taken on company-owned devices will be transferred to the company’s pcs and immediately deleted from the memory card.
  6. I will model safe and responsible behaviour in the creation and publishing of online content within the company’s learning platform and any other websites. In addition to this I will encourage colleagues and students to adopt similar safe behaviour in their personal use of blogs, wikis and online publishing sites.

Mobile Phones and Devices

In today’s digital world, communications and content are available almost anywhere at any time. As mobile phones have increased in sophistication, with the functionality being almost parallel to that of office-based desktop and laptop computers, more care has to be taken with the usage of mobile smart type devices within our courses. Mobile phones with integrated cameras could lead to child protection, bullying and data protection issues with regards to inappropriate capture, use or distribution of images of children or staff.

I have understood and will comply with the following statements:

  1. I will ensure that my mobile phone and any other personally owned device is switched off or switched to ‘silent’ mode during working hours unless specifically needed for a task included in the course being taught.
  2. I will not contact any parents or pupils on my personally owned device unless agreed with Management.
  3. I will not use any personally owned mobile device to take images, video or sound recordings unless I have been given permission by a manager and will delete all materials as soon as they have been copied onto an office computer and safely stored.


Email is an essential communication mechanism for both staff and students in today’s digitally-connected world. However, the unregulated use of email could potentially lead to a safeguarding incident as the more traditional, non-technical access controls can be bypassed with ease. Company email should in no way be considered private and its use should be for all company-related communication. A company email account is provided for staff to communicate with other professionals, or any company-related third party only for official business.

I have understood and will comply with the following statements:

  1. I will use only my company email address for all correspondence with staff or other agencies and I understand that any use of the company email system can be monitored and checked.
  2. I will not share neither my work email address nor my personal email address with any student in the courses the company delivers.
  3. I understand that all communication between staff and members of the wider Role Models community should be professional and related to work matters only.
  4. I will ensure that any posts made on websites or via electronic communication, by either myself or the students in my care, will not damage the reputation of the company.
  5. I will take care in opening any attachments sent by email. I will only open emails and associated attachments from trusted senders.
  6. I understand that emails sent to external organisations will be written carefully before sending to protect myself. As and when I feel it necessary, I will carbon copy (cc) a member of the management into the email.
  7. I will ensure that I manage my email account, delete unwanted emails and file those I need to keep in folders.
  8. I will not forward e-mails relating to Role Models business to personal e-mail accounts (such as gmail or hotmail) particularly where these communications include personal data relating to others.
  9. I will not share sensitive personal data by e-mail unless the express permission of the subject has been obtained or unless adequate encryption facilities have been employed.
  10. I will never use a false identity in e-mails.

Data Protection and Information Security

Role Models hold lots of information and data on pupils, families and on staff. The amount of information which Role Models hold is increasing all the time and, while this data can be very useful in improving the service which we provide, as a company we have a duty of care for how we handle it and control access to the sensitive and personal information and data which we hold. The handling of secured data is everyone’s responsibility, whether they are an employee, a consultant, a volunteer, a technical support or a third-party provider. Failing to apply appropriate controls to secure data could amount to gross misconduct and even provoke legal action. Our Data Protection Officer is John Reed.

I have understood and will comply with the following statements:

  1. I will abide by the school Data Protection and Privacy Code of Practice.
  2. I will not leave personal and sensitive printed documents on printers within public areas of the office or venue where courses are held.
  3. All access to personal or sensitive information owned by the company will be controlled appropriately through technical and non-technical access controls.
  4. I will log off any computers that I have used to access sensitive information.
  5. I will be vigilant when accessing sensitive or personal information on screen to ensure that no one else, who may be unauthorised, can read the information.
  6. I will only access information systems via a suitably complex password.

We are committed to reviewing our policy and procedures annually. This policy was last reviewed in January 2024.