Role Models First Aid Policy

Please also see our Health and Safety Policy.


This code of practice outlines Role Models’ responsibility to provide adequate and appropriate First Aid to children attending our courses, staff, parents and visitors, and the procedures in place to meet that responsibility.


  • To appoint the appropriate number of suitably trained people as First Aiders to meet the needs of the group being taught.
  • To provide relevant training and ensure monitoring of training needs.
  • To provide sufficient and appropriate resources and facilities.
  • To inform staff and parents of Role Models’ First Aid arrangements by making this policy available to them.
  • To keep accident records and to report to the HSE as required under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.


At least one member of staff at each venue will have a paediatric first aid qualification, valid within the last three years.

The management are responsible for the health and safety of the staff and anyone else on their premises. This includes teachers, non-teaching staff, pupils and visitors (including contractors). They must ensure that a risk assessment of the Premises they use is undertaken and that the appointments, training and resources for First Aid arrangements are appropriate and in place. They must ensure that the insurance arrangements provide full cover for claims arising from actions of staff acting within the scope of their employ.

The management are responsible for putting the code of practice into practice and for developing detailed procedures. They must ensure that the code of practice and information on the Company’s arrangements for First Aid are made available to parents.

Teachers and other staff are expected to do all they can to secure the welfare of the pupils. First Aiders must have completed and keep updated a training course approved by the HSE. He/she will:

  • Give immediate help to casualties with common injuries or illnesses and those arising from specific hazards during a course.
  • Take charge when someone is injured or becomes ill.
  • Look after the first aid equipment, e.g. restocking the first aid boxes.
  • Ensure that an ambulance or other professional medical help is summoned when appropriate.

In selecting First Aiders the management must consider the person’s:

  • Reliability and communication skills.
  • Aptitude and ability to absorb new knowledge and learn new skills.
  • Ability to cope with stressful and physically demanding emergency procedures.
  • Normal duties — First Aider must be able to leave to go immediately to an emergency.
  • A paediatric first aider must also be present where there are children of primary school age.


The management consider the findings of the risk assessment in deciding on the number of first-aid personnel required at any time or venue.

Arrangements must be made to ensure that the required level of cover of both First Aiders is available at all times when people are on a course.

Qualifications and Training

  • First Aiders and Paediatric First Aiders will hold a valid certificate of competence, issued by an organisation approved by the HSE.
  • Specialist training in first-aid is arranged by the company on an ad hoc basis. The names of First Aiders will be made available prior to the start of each course.


Risk Assessment

A full risk assessment of the premises used is always in place. The management review the risk assessments whenever a new site is chosen to run a course. Recommendations on measures needed to prevent or control identified risks are discussed with the landlords/owners and the necessary action taken. Copies of our risk assessments can be shared upon request.

Basic First Aid Procedures

If a minor accident occurs during the course the child is sent to a First Aider accompanied by another child or an adult as appropriate. See Appendix 1 for a complete list of Basic First Aid Procedures.

Emergency Procedures

  • In the event of a serious injury within the used premises, one of the First Aiders will be called.
  • The First Aider will decide if the emergency services need to be called and will dial 999.
  • If a serious injury occurs in the playground, one of the adults on duty will ask for assistance from the First Aider. If a serious injury occurs off-site, the First Aider will assess the situation, call the emergency services if necessary and then inform the company.
  • The Office will then contact the child's parents/carers or, if they are unavailable, the child's emergency contacts (see Providing Information below).

Providing Information

To Staff

The management will ensure that staff is informed about the School’s first-aid arrangements as part of their induction programme. Updated information will be given out at the staff meeting preceding the start of the course.

To Parents

  • If a child sustains a minor injury, a copy of the Accident report sheet will be sent home at the end of the day.
  • If a child sustains a minor head injury (bump) this will be specified in the Accident report sheet. See Appendix 1. If it is the case (e.g. the head is involved or the scratches/bruises are not superficial) the Office will call the parents/carers to inform them and ask them to read this head injury guidance.
  • Where a child sustains a minor injury that requires treatment by a doctor or hospital, the parents/carers will be telephoned and asked to collect the child. If the parents/carers cannot be reached, the emergency contacts on the child’s records will be called. If none of them are able to collect the child a First Aider will accompany the child to the Minor Injury Unit at the nearest hospital.
  • In the event of a serious injury the emergency services will be called immediately by dialling 999 and the parents/carers (or, if they are unavailable, the child's emergency contacts) will also be contacted by telephone by a member of staff who is not dealing with the emergency arrangements.

Reporting Accidents

Statutory requirements: under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) some accidents must be reported to the HSE. The management keeps a record of any reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence.

This includes:

  • The date and method of reporting
  • The date, time and place of the event
  • Personal details of those involved and a brief description of the nature of the event or disease

Record Keeping

  • The details of the accident are recorded on an accident report sheet. This information is later added, by management, to Podio (our CRM system), to securely store the information for a minimum of three years. This forms our 'Accident Record File'.
  • In the Accident Record File information is recorded of any significant first-aid treatment given by First Aiders. This must include:
    • the date, time and place of incident
    • the name (and course attended) of the injured or ill person
    • details of their injury/illness
    • first aid given
    • name and signature of the First Aider or person dealing with the incident
  • Records of any incident reported to the HSE are also stored in the Accident Record File.
  • If a child sustains a minor injury, a copy of the Accident report sheet will be sent home at the end of the day.
  • Any medicine administration forms and medicine book forms (see Appendix 1) will also be saved to Podio at the end of each course.


Accident records can be used to help the management identify trends and areas for improvement. They also could help to identify training or other needs and may be useful for insurance or investigative purposes.A regular review and analysis of accident records is held.


First-Aid Materials, Equipment and Facilities

  • First-aid supplies are kept in specific places agreed by the staff managing the courses and all participating staff is made aware of where they are located.
  • Each box contains: moist wipes, cleaning wipes, gloves, wash proof plasters, plasters (assorted sizes), sterile wound dressings, triangular bandages, safety pins, tape, burnshield, face shield, sterile eye pad, eye wash, sterile gauze swab, tweezers, leaflet guide.
  • Spare stock and additional specialised equipment are also kept in the office for the use of first aiders.
  • First aid boxes accompany teachers off-site.

Responsibility for checking and restocking the first-aid boxes

  • The management checks the boxes before the start of each course and places orders to replenish stock.
  • All staff are responsible for notifying the office if they notice that contents of any of them are running low.


At each venue the designated area for medical treatment and care of children during course hours will be selected and all staff will be made aware of where it is.


  • Basic hygiene procedures must be followed by staff.
  • Single-use disposable gloves must be worn when treatment involves blood or other body fluids.
  • Care must be taken when disposing of dressings or equipment.



If a minor accident occurs during the day, the child is sent to a First Aider accompanied by another child or an adult as appropriate. If a major accident occurs where the child or member of staff cannot be moved, a First Aider must be called to the scene immediately and the emergency services alerted if appropriate.


  • When dealing with blood, or other body fluids plastic gloves and an apron must be worn. The area of the accident must be isolated and cleaned with an antibacterial product before it can be used again.
  • Cuts/scratches: the wound must be cleaned, and plasters may be applied, if necessary, after ascertaining the child is not allergic to these.
  • Bleeding, as above: if profuse, apply direct pressure and raise the wound before sending for a First Aider.
  • Head Bumps: Use a cold compress/ice pack. Run hands over scalp to find bleeding, swelling or any area that feels soft or indented. Handle head and neck very gently. The child should be given an “I have bumped my head today” sticker, to wear for the whole day, so that everybody will be aware of the accident and can react accordingly if he is seen acting differently. Parents are called and advised to read this head injury guidance.
  • Falling: children do fall over at school from time to time and they react in different ways. It is advisable to watch the situation carefully and assess it. If the child is unable to get up and is in obvious distress, call a First Aider who will assess the situation and take appropriate action. If the child is unable to stand unaided, do not lift them — this could cause other injuries.
  • Unconsciousness: call a First Aider immediately. If they are unavailable, call the emergency services without delay.
  • Breathing difficulties: Ask the child to stand or sit quietly. Ask if they use an inhaler. If they do, check if they have it with them and ensure they use it. If the child does not use an inhaler, a First Aider must be summoned.
  • Epilepsy/Fainting: if a child is falling, try to support him/her or ease the fall, loosen clothing around the head/neck and call a First Aider.
  • Haemophilia: this condition affects the clotting of the blood and can cause haemophiliacs to bleed more freely than other people do. If a known haemophiliac is having a ‘bleed’, call an ambulance to take them to Hospital.
  • Diabetes: diabetics can display either lethargic or more active characteristics than usual. If a diabetic has high or low blood sugar, contact a First Aider.
  • Anaphylaxis: the result of a severe, generalised, allergic reaction. The child could experience severe difficulties with breathing. If a known anaphylactic has an attack, the trained First Aid staff must administer the child’s adrenaline and call for an ambulance. Common allergies are:
    • food, e.g. eggs, fish, nuts, especially peanuts
    • insect stings
    • immunisations or antibiotics.

Safety/HIV Protection

Disposable gloves and a plastic apron must always be worn when treating any accidents/incidents that involve body fluids. Make sure any waste (wipes, pads, paper towels) is placed in a disposable bag and fastened securely. Any children’s clothes must be placed in a plastic bag and fastened ready to take home.

Allergies/Long-term Illness:

A Medical Register is kept for each course based on the information received from parents. This records:

  • any child’s allergy to any form of medication, food products or insect stings
  • any long-term illness, for example asthma, diabetes, epilepsy
  • if any medication is required to be kept on site and administered by a Role Model, then the parent will be asked to sign a 'Medicine Administration Form' on day 1 of the course. Copies of this will be saved down into Podio and the end of the course.
  • If any medication is given out during the course, details of this will be recorded on a medicine book form. Copies of this will be saved down into Podio and the end of the course.
  • details on any child whose health might give cause for concern. Staff are given a copy of the Register.

Use of Sunscreen:

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the UK and the number of cases is rising at an alarming rate. The majority of these cases can be prevented by protecting the skin from the sun.

  • Parents are recommended to pack summer hats and to apply sunscreen before sending the children to day courses during the summer months/recommend they apply it themselves for residential courses
  • Staff delivering the courses must make children aware to the need to wear sun hats and sunscreen
  • If parents wish staff to apply sunscreen they must supply it and send a written request for them to do so
  • Another member of staff should be present when a teacher is applying sunscreen. Older children should apply it themselves.
  • Arrangements for pupils with particular medical conditions who require regular medication are agreed with parents on an ad hoc basis.

We are committed to reviewing our policy and procedures annually. This policy was last reviewed in January 2024.