Role Models Grievance Policy


References to “you” or “your” relate to the Employee.

References to “us” or “we” relate to the Company.


If there is any matter relating to your Employment, or the people with whom you work with, which you are unhappy, you should use the following grievance procedure.

At any formal meeting, you have the right to be accompanied by a single companion who is either: -

  • a work colleague; or,
  • a full-time official employed by a trade union; or a lay official, so long as they have been certified in writing by their union as having experience of, or as having received training in, acting as a worker’s companion at disciplinary or grievance hearings.

Your representative has the right to explain and sum up your case, and to respond to any views expressed at the hearing. S/he may not answer questions on your behalf. If your representative cannot attend on the date we have set for the interview, we will always postpone the interview for up to five days and may (at our discretion) postpone it for longer.

Stage 1

Discuss the matter informally with your Line Manager. S/he may be able to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.

Stage 2

Write to the board of directors of the Company setting out your grievance in full (please include copies of any relevant documents). We will invite you to a meeting to discuss the grievance, and will try to resolve matters to your satisfaction. It may be necessary for us to make enquiries with other people about your grievance, and possibly to have a second meeting with you.

After the meeting, we will write to you with the outcome of your grievance. The letter will include a reminder of your right to appeal if you are not satisfied with the outcome.

Stage 3

If you wish to appeal, you should write to one of the directors of the Company within one week of receiving the stage 2 decision. Your appeal letter should set out the reasons for your appeal.

We will invite you to attend an appeal meeting with a director of the Company when your grievance and your reasons for appealing will be discussed further.

After the meeting, we will write to you with our final decision. There is no further appeal from this decision.

After termination of employment

If you wish to lodge a grievance after your Employment has ended, we can either go through stages 2 and 3 above, or it may be agreed to deal with matters on the basis of a written grievance and response (without a meeting), where appropriate.

We are committed to reviewing our policy and procedures annually. This policy was last reviewed in January 2024.