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Resilience: Things you need to know

Resilience is a complex skill which is multifaceted. Below we give you a little more of an insight as to what being resilient entails and hopefully we answer a few questions!

What is the comfort zone?

The comfort zone is a place where we feel very comfortable, things are easy and familiar to us.

You very much live your day to day routine in your comfort zone where nothing is out of the ordinary. Here, it is hard to develop and reach your potential.

What is the learning zone?

The learning zone is a place between the comfort zone and the panic zone.

In the learning zone we are more willing to take risks. We feel a little stretched and uncomfortable but also excited. We have to work hard in our learning zone by pushing our boundaries. Things do not come as easily and only by being in our learning zone do we progress, develop and fulfil our potential.

diagram of zones

What is the panic zone?

The panic zone is a place where we feel anxious, fearful, stressed, and panicked.

Many refer to the panic zone as being a place of chaos and consequently where you feel out of control. It is best to venture back to your learning zone as this is more beneficial for your personal development and growth.

How do I get out of my comfort zone?

The more you push yourself do to the things outside of your comfort zone, the more comfortable you become doing them and your comfort zone becomes ‘bigger’. Getting out of your comfort zone allows you to learn and experience new things.

Ways you can get out of your comfort zone is by agreeing to do something you would not usually consider, giving up some control by saying 'yes' more often, switching up your routine, trying something new until you feel comfortable, ask questions other people do not ask, put yourself into new environments, don't pick the 'safe' choice, do what you are afraid of.

What is Grit?

Grit is having the determination and perseverance to continue to pursue long-term goals whilst overcoming challenging obstacles in your life.

You must remember to focus more on the long term gain rather than on short-term gratification.

Can you learn Grit?

Yes, by continuous and deliberate practice.

To have Grit you must have patience and be able to continually remind yourself what is the purpose, why are you doing it.

Who coined the term Grit?

Angela Duckworth coined the word grit.

Angela Duckworth is known for her research onto grit, a strength she defines as passion and perseverance for long-term goals. Her definition of grit is nothing to do with ones IQ but instead, is closely related to conscientiousness. Learn more by clicking one the image below which will take you to her TedTalk, Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth

Angela Duckworth

What is fortune telling?

Fortune telling is when you start predicting that things are going to turn out badly.

For example, thinking 'I am not going to get the promotion,' or 'I will not be able to climb that tree'.

What is mind reading?

Mind reading is when we believe that we know what others are thinking which can lead to you isolating yourself and feeling miserable, especially if you continue to engage with these thoughts.

For example, 'They think I am stupid' or 'She doesn't like me'. Rather than asking people, you begin to imagine what others could be thinking without any concrete facts.

What is over generalisation?

Over generalisation is when you are using words such as always and never.

For example, 'I am always picked last' and 'I will never be good at maths'. If you continue to use such words, you can begin to manifest this into reality TBC

What is labelling?

Labelling is when we are using one word to describe ourselves negatively.

For example, 'I am stupid, ' or 'I am ugly'. This negative thinking can be detrimental to how we see ourselves and can create self-doubt.

What is catastrophizing?

Catastrophizing is when we imagine the absolute worst.

For example, 'If I fail this exam, I will never graduate from school'. Often this thinking is where you irrationally believe in the worst case scenario and outcomes.

What is neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity: There are millions and billions of neural pathways between the neurons in our brain and some are weak and some are very strong.

These neural pathways which are used regularly are very strong and we can do those things without thinking such as our habits. When we make a mistake it helps to strengthen that new pathway and this is how deep learning happens.

What does ANTS stand for?

ANTS stands for Automatic Negative Thoughts.

These thoughts automatically 'pop up' in the brain and can cause you to feel negative about yourself. For example, 'I am a failure, 'I am inadequate', 'No one cares about me'.

What does PETS stand for?

PETS stands for Positive Empowering Thoughts.

You consciously use PETs when you start thinking negatively about a situation and/or about yourself. For example, 'I am stronger than my fear, ' I can overcome this,' 'I am good enough'.

What does The Power of Yet mean?

The 'Power of Yet' is where people have the ability to recognise that though they may not be able to do something 'YET', through perseverance and practice you can achieve your goals.

For example, 'I can't ride my bike...YET!' Using 'YET' is a simple way to help you promote a growth mindset and helps you to understand that you will get there, eventually. 'Yet' is a great word to use to aid the development of ambition and endurance.

What are marvellous mistakes?

Marvellous mistakes are where you celebrate your mistakes and avoid feeling negative or ashamed about them.

You should look at mistakes as something to learn from by asking yourself, 'what did it teach me?' Mistakes are just steps to success. Calling your mistakes marvellous helps you to grow from your mistakes rather than be discouraged by them.

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