Louise Treherne, Director of Character Education at Role Models, was kindly invited to talk to Alicia Drummond, Founder of Teen Tips about perfectionism, defining your own success and the importance of children practicing and applying resilience, confidence, and a growth mindset in their everyday life.
This is a question which we as adults constantly ask ourselves throughout our lives. We look at our friends, colleagues and peers and compare our achievements and success to others. Sadly, children and teenagers ask the very same question. This comparison culture has never been more apparent due to the increasing usage and accessibility of social media. Children tend to look outwardly when measuring their success rather than looking at success as an individual.
Louise discusses how young people can often feel pressured to be perfect in front of their peers, teachers and even parents. This is often reinforced through an overwhelming focus on the success of an outcome; to get the best grade, to be top of their class, to be the best. Failure is not an option. Only focusing on the outcome rather than the process can manifest into perfectionism. In turn this sets children up with unrealistic standards and creates a toxic mindset where children can become overwhelmed by pressure and stress.
Rather than looking at their peers and seeing their success as a threat, we want our children to instead think, ‘How can I be inspired by their success?’. Children must try being realistic and recognise that everyone’s success looks different. Utilising a growth mindset as a child and acknowledging that you have your own personal potential is so important.
Perfectionism is only one topic which Louise touches upon during her discussion with Alicia. Other topics include recognising and developing a growth mindset, understanding resilience, failure, the definition of character, how character is interchangeable and so much more.
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